Beautiful painting is behind us

Beautiful painting is behind us

Art Book Magazine

La belle peinture est derrière nous, literally referring to a painting located behind the viewer, is the title of a video by the artist Pierrick Sorrin. It’s also the name of a painting exhibition presenting a new generation of French painters, which will travel from Istanbul to Nantes (Lieu Unique) via Los Angeles and Asia between 2010 and 2012.
Gallery owner Éva Hobber’s curation is definitive, uncompromising: we’re not talking agreeable, decorative, want-it-for-my-living-room salon painting here, but art that knocks into things, gets hurt, sometimes gets in a brawl; art that wins or loses its own battles - whether over subject or form.
Featuring 26 artists, presented by five famous critics: Philippe Dagen, Richard Leydier, Marie Maertens, Philippe Piguet and Thibaut de Ruyter.
A richly illustrated catalogue of the works, with additional views of the first exhibition. A fine (sic) introduction to this medium, whose death was announced a little prematurely...

Artist Pahlavi Axel, Ronan Barrot, Julien Beneyton, Romain Bernini, Katia Bourdarel, Alkis Boutlis, Damien Cadio, Nicolas Darrot, Damien Deroubaix, Gregory Forstner, Cristine Guinamand, Youcef Korichi, Kosta Kulundzic, P. Nicolas Ledoux, Élodie Lesourd, Iris Levasseur, Frédérique Loutz, Wilfried Mille, Marlène Mocquet, Audrey Nervi, Maël Nozahic, Florence Obrecht, Stéphane Pencréac’h, Raphaëlle Ricol, Lionel Sabatté, Ida Tursic, Jérôme Zonder
Contributor Philippe Dagen, Richard Leydier, Marie Maertens, Philippe Piguet, Eva Hober, Thibaut de Ruyter
Translation Buse Erozan, Mathilde Mazau
Graphic design Pascal Béjean
Author Collectif

Publisher Art Book Magazine
Publication date April 2011
Nombre de pages 114
Format PDF
Langues English, French, Turkish

Art Book Magazine


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