

Optical Sound / Art Book Magazine

This first special issue, out even before number 1, is a response to and a proposal for the exhibition Le temps des manifestes at l’Espace de l’Art Concret put forward by Fabienne Fulchéri in June 2010. A visual and textual journey through the historic manifestos in the history of art - from Dada to Punk via the Situationists and the Bauhaus... Contains reproductions of works and documents, texts and extracts plus a few personal and off-beat additions insinuated by the editorial staff of OpticalSound.
This issue’s print is a sold-out collector’s edition. The original layout was meant to be read like a succession of flyers/big-character posters, but the volume's design was updated for the digital version to optimize your reading comfort.

Hakim Bey, André Breton, Guy-Ernest Debord, Ken Garland, Walter Gropius, Gutaï, Étienne Hervy, Pierre Joseph, Fabienne Fulchéri, P. Nicolas Ledoux, Marinetti, Gustav Metzger, Genesis P-Orridge, Francis Picabia, Dziga Vertov, Tristan Tzara...

Contributor Fabienne Fulchéri, Étienne Hervy
Graphic design Pascal Béjean, Geoffroy Tobé
Author Collectif

Publisher Optical Sound / Art Book Magazine
ISBN 9782821600331
Publication date April 2011
Nombre de pages 71
Format PDF
Langues English, French

Art Book Magazine


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