Volume #2

Volume #2

What You See Is What You Hear

Volume is a magazine of contemporary art dedicated to sound. This #2 issue is dedicated to the voice; the voice as an instrument and as a tool, but also and above all, as a presence in space and time. The voice carries speech - or its absence - intelligible or otherwise. In and between cries, songs, poetry and reading, many potentialities exist. In a standardized context, too frequently formatted by the art market, “live” sound and performances continue to define new practices. This issue questions those artists, curators, academicians and historians who speak up for practices that the traditional media too often neglect.

Analyses: (“Radiotopie - radiotopia” by Manuel Cirauqui; “Despoesia, From Verbivoco-visual Poetry to the Spatialization of Words” by Audrey Illouz) / Focus: (Artur Zmijewski's “The Singing Lesson: Deaf Jam” by Raphaël Brunel) / Solo shows (Anthony McCall by Daniele Balit; Benjamin Seror by Elfi Turpin; Loreto Martinez Troncoso by Kathy Alliou; Anna Barham by Vanessa Desclaux; Vittorio Santoro by Daniel Kurjakovic) / Interviews (Mathieu Copeland) / Interventions by artists (Encyclopédie de la parole; Marcelline Delbecq; Christian Alandete) etc.

Author Collectif
Artist Marcelline Delbecq, Manuel Cirauqui, Mauricio Ianês, Christian Alandete
Author Daniele Balit, Vanessa Desclaux, Elfi Turpin, Raphaël Brunel, Kathy Alliou, Anne-Lou Vicente, Daniel Kurjakovic, Audrey Illouz, Encyclopédie de la parole
Contributor Mathieu Copeland, Patrick Lafièvre
Translation Daniel Kurjakovic, Brian Currid, Vanessa Desclaux, Simon Pleasance, Fronza Woods, Ludovic Charruau, Flavio Erra, Patrick Lafièvre
Graphic design David Benmussa, Clémentine Hède
Author Collectif

Publisher What You See Is What You Hear
ISBN 9782919217038
Publication date July 2011
Nombre de pages 125
Format PDF
Langues English, French

Art Book Magazine


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